Company Overview


None of our programs are the same...
because none of our clients are the same.


BreakAway Loyalty designs, consults, and administers self-sustaining loyalty rewards solutions that create profitable portfolio momentum for our clients.


We serve a national blue-chip client base with a special focus in the Financial Services Industry. Our company is comprised of a leadership force with over 15 years in the Incentive Business, and an average of 30+ years experience in financial marketing management and sales, including consumer, employee and distribution channel programs.


Our expertise includes:

> the design of one of the first credit card points programs utilizing real-time processor feeds.

> the introduction of credit/debit card redemption grids that were both innovative and cost conscious.

> the creation of marketing strategies to promote communication and understanding between institution and customer base.

> the pioneering of an online program to allow customers to not only view points, but redeem online.

> the implementation of marketing programs to grow portfolios and retain customer bases.

> the development of proactive customer opportunity centers that contact customers and offer quarterly special promotions.

> the institution of point reduction programs to reduce liability while improving the customer experience.

> the management of numerous credit and debit card conversions.

> the use of portfolio segmentation and analysis to target market each segment to increase performance in the card base.


Reward your relationships. Contact BreakAway Loyalty today.

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